Way to the Nations (WN) is a 100% non - profit non-denominational humanitarian association, which works to help children stigmatized as witches by false religious leaders and subsequently abandoned by their families in Nigeria.
Founded in 2009, it promotes condition for the freedom and equality of individuals, contributing to social inclusion, while fighting situations of marginalisation and social discrimination. We rescue the stigmatised children, who many times are very hurt, ill and traumatised and offer them a safe place, love, food, health treatment and education. As of today, 38 children are fully cared by the project and several more assisted in their homes by the nine native staff members based in the city of Eket, south of Nigeria.
We are proud of the connections that we built along the years with the local authorities, both civil and religious of all kind.
In a cultural context as complicated as that of Nigeria, it is a reason of pride for us to be able to say that around our project gather to support us, free from prejudices, communities that would normally keep the distance one from another.
We are supported by Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists... we have no flag but that of love!
We are also proud to say that, apart from our local employees, the people who work for WN are all volunteers from all around the world. Behind this project, there is now a group of friends. Some of us are in Brazil, others in Canada, England, Denmark, Italy.
Our financial relationship is transparent: we will publish it soon. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, please write to us.
If you want to help, please find out how here.
There are places on earth where the beauty of childhood gives way to the horror of superstition and witchcraft.
Way to the Nations gives childhood back to the children accused of witchcraft.
Meet our team
At Way to the Nations orphanage there are some of the most important people in our children’s lives. Every day they do an amazing job taking care of the children and making sure that they are well. Also, they are an important piece in the fight against the superstition and beliefs in witchcraft.
Our children
Way to the Nations hosts 37 children in a safe building in the city of Eket. We give to our children a secure place, education (they all are brilliant students!) and psychological rehabilitation. When possible, we make them reunite with their families and communities.
Support for Communities
We keep on working on educational programs trying to eradicate the belief in witchcraft. This is slow and hard work, but we strongly believe that a day will come when witchcraft is nothing more than history.