Sponsor a child
“It is a tremendous way to affect a child´s life and is much more than giving money each month; It is giving a child the opportunity of a better future, making them feel special and loved.”
- Way to the Nations
Sponsoring a child is an act of love and responsibility.
Love: the children that we host at our centre come from a past of severe abuses and lack of love. They will consider their sponsor as someone from far above who is really taking care of them, feels empathy and is interested in their lives. Please consider a sponsorship if you are genuinely interested in knowing about the kid's past and present life.
Responsibility: we ask that you consider a three months long sponsorship at least.
Sponsorship has a cost of 30€ per month, to be paid latest by the 4th of each month.
Way to the Nations will send to the sponsor an initial welcome paper containing the main information about the sponsored kid and then there will be a newsletter two times per year.
If you decide to become a sponsor, you will see that this is an intense experience of mutual love that will give to you a lot.
If you are interested, please read more about sponsorship rules and faq here
To begin a sponsorship , please send an email with your name and that of the kid that you want to sponsor, if you have already chosen.
Otherwise, we will be happy to indicate who needs your love now!